15 e-Commerce solutions to keep your eyes on in 2020

15 e-Commerce solutions to keep your eyes on in 2020

During the last 10 years, the world of e-Commerce had witnessed massive growth, with thousands, maybe, millions of sellers & startups online. Amongst all those competitors, in 2020, you need to focus on some all-new durable methods, for, your business to survive. A market study by Marketingsignals found that 90% of all new eCommerce start-ups are set to fail within their first 120 days! So, bring your notebook & note down these 15 brand new solutions in 2020 to stack your business, over the flow with them.

Video content, Video content, Video content

Without any doubt, this is no more, just another marketing tool. Nowadays, people start considering any non-video graphed product as a potential defraud. e-Commerce Video improves conversions by 85% according to GoPromotional, the UK based promoter corp. Other statistics showed that 64% of people are more likely to purchase a product after watching a product video. You can’t neglect those numbers from your next marketing plan.

Here you are some focus points considering video content;

. Interactive Video Ads.

. Product Close-Ups.

. Story Telling videos/ Emotion Evokes.

. Tutorials/ How to Use Videos.

. Entertaining Videos/ Make Them Laugh.

. Realistic Promotions/ Real People Using or Getting Great Results from Your Product.

Satisfy Mobile Shoppers

Mobile e-Commerce sales grew 37.7% during the last years & expected to go far from that, in the years follows. With $203.94 billion market share last year, what do you think can happen next? For that seek, stop focusing on desktops commerce & consider giving much care for smartphone shoppers.
. Make sure your online store is highly smartphones’ user-friendly.
. Consider launching an Android/IOS app for your store, if you don’t have one already.
. Ensure your store is compatible with all brand-new smartphone-based payment methods (Mobile Money, Mobile Money Transfer, & Mobile Wallets). Apple Pay/ Samsung Pay/ Google Pay…
. Put much attention to SM apps that only support smartphones like Snap Chat.
. Design your Ads/ Emails/ Offers perfectly to be smartphones’ UI friendly.

Give your clients the Transparency they want

  • The huge rise of e-Commerce sites numbers came with a companion of a lot of deception & fraud. As a result, 2020 buyers demand high transparency from companies. No matter what business you run, you need to prove your worth repeatedly. Do so! Give them exactly what they want.

       .   Always start with honest value propositions.

           . Don’t create “black boxes.” People want to know where every dollar goes; Full descriptions are highly required.

    • Own your mistakes, from start to follow-up. “Report the bad news before they ask about it.”

Arrange for the fastest delivery service possible

Include More Customer Engagement in your Advertising plan 

Another way that is becoming very trendy is the third-party customer reviews services. These apps or add-ins allow buyers to share thoughts, images & opinions about your products. Which adds more CE, as well as, serves for your brands’ transparency.

Optimize your Store for Voice search

One of every 5 searches nowadays is a voice search! 2 in 5 adults use voice search once daily! The reason behind that enlargement is the spread of voice assistants/ Smart-home devices like Google Assistant, Siri, Microsoft Cortana & Amazon Alexa, that all utilize voice search capabilities. Your stores’ UI is very important, but this blind search method means you need to take very serious steps in SEO long-tail-keywords in your industry. Try to find out what people in your arena would search for “throw voice” then ensure them to be included in your website.

Hire a Chatbot!

Having a 24H/7D customer service isn’t an option anymore! – for successful business I speak – thus, it’s very hard & human-resource expensive if with real employees answering client’s inquiries all the time! But, still achievable, thankfully, through a pre-programmed chatbot. You only need to list them up with your customers FAQs & that’s it! You need to always, be there to help.

Personalize your customers’ messages!

Some people say if you are targeting everyone, you are targeting no one! That’s a general fact. 20% of D2C consumers do read advertising messages & would like to have personalization. In fact, most people feel uncomfortable when they receive very general audience greeting message, so what if an advertising one! Start right now studying your market & specifying your unique audience, to, retarget them accurately.

Integrate Robotics or AI solutions

In 2020 people are getting much attracted for any tech-related solution! It’s a fact even if some of those teches aren’t stable yet, they still have their effect. Some physicals business started getting robots to serve in their stores. For an online store, AI can make the hole buying process flawless! Some apps can now remember what customers searched or bought! Make sure to give some space for an AI-based section in your 2020 marketing plan.


Get advantages from Second-hand market “re-commerce.”

In the past, it wasn’t easy to convince people of the idea of buying used gadgets. But not anymore! Nowadays, numerous companies are buying used e.g. electronics for money! Users’ awareness of the value they get when buying/selling a couple of months used product – especially for expensive products – have increased. So, this must be one of your considerations if you sell highly priced products. You can open the gate for your customers to sell you their used products then you can re-commerce those products as an extra value to your business.


Start managing to have AR/ VR applications

Augmented Reality & Virtual Reality are the technology of this era. Big brands & companies started getting advantages of them in many ways. For eCommerce, it can allow users to explore virtual showrooms, virtually visualize products & so on… This ability, by its own, gives them a reason to visit your store. N channel says that 77.24% of shoppers abandon their carts before completing a purchase! Give them a reason to stay.

Take Ecofriendly & sustainability (shipping, manufacturing) in your consideration

Again & again that users’ awareness growth pobs up, as people nowadays tend to ask questions like; Does it affect nature? Do you ship ecofriendly? Does your industry cause any toxic gases? & so, on & so forth. As a result, you better prepare some satisfactory answers to their inquiries. grow your e-Commerce ecofriendly.

Get a Progressive web app

Rather than having a native smartphone app. The new trend leads to another convenient solution considered to be the Googles’ introduced “Progressive Web App” technology in 2015. These app-like experience PWAs include the high-converting features of a native app, but they’re still websites, accessed directly from smartphones’ or tablets’ web browser without any app store download need. This technology resulted in 50% higher conversions & got a healthy SEO boost from Google! Take the shot, wait no more.

Ergonomic everything!

This year came as I said before, with a huge amount of users’ awareness growth. People literally want everything to be preceded by the term “Ergonomic”. If your business is about furniture, clothing, or any other thing that can be “Ergonomically” advertised! Don’t miss this opportunity & start producing some of these kinds of stuff.

Fitness & gym

Okay, this may seem like an option for some kinds of business but think about it like that!

We saw in the last years a huge turnout from people around the world on gyms, fitness & body care in general. In the US alone, the market showed revenue in the Fitness segment amounts to US$17,937m by the beginning of 2020.

Globally, more & more people are getting interested in this matter day by day!

So, what if somehow you find a relationship between your business & this industry? Brands do this every day, keep up with them.